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Work Anywhere

Solutions that offer you freedom

The way people work is changing all the time and modern organisations that want to stay at the top of their game need to alter their procedures to match. Cloud communication solutions fit directly into this notion and provide businesses with the flexibility and freedom to work anywhere, without sacrificing productivity.

Workers are no longer tied to their desk waiting for an important call. Your calls can be routed to your mobile phone, whilst faxes and voicemails are sent directly to your inbox. Our cloud telephony solutions provide a number of features and functionality in order for you to remain productive on the go, whilst offering you more ways to work.

Maximum productivity

The remote working features in VoIPOffice, our cloud telephony solution, gives you the ability to work from anywhere. It is in favour of flexible working hours and vital tasks are able to be carried out regardless of location.

Free internet calls

By using VoIPOffice Communicator™, businesses will be able to make free calls to their employees, wherever they are located. This ensures the smooth running of the company, no matter where your personnel are based on any particular day.

Always get to work

There are many reasons why one cannot get into work: sickness, bad weather or even congested traffic. Cloud telephony ensures that you will still be able to work regardless of your current situation. You can still make or receive calls from your handset, tablet or laptop, whether you’re stuck in traffic or at home waiting for the snow to clear.

Key Benefits

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Mobile Working

Complete tasks regardless of location

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Free Calls

Call peers for free using softphone

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Increased Productivity

Increased productivity during adverse conditions

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