Code of Practice

Telappliant Code of Practice

Telappliant Ltd is a company incorporated and registered in England and Wales with company number 04632756 whose registered office is at 3 Harbour Exchange Square, London, E14 9GE (in this Code of Practice “We” or “Our” or “Us“).

The purpose of this Code of Practice is to:

  • Inform Our customers (“You“) about the Publicly Available Telephone Services (“Services“) which We offer
  • Bring to Your attention important details concerning Your purchase of Services from Us
  • Let You know how to contact Us

The formal Terms and Conditions of our contractual relationship with customers can be found on our website at here or can be supplied to You upon demand.

  • Our services
    • Inbound calls and outbound termination using VoIP – Voice over IP
    • Cloud Telephony
    • Audio / Video Conferencing systems
    • Fax and SMS services
    • UK / Internatonal telephone numbers
    • Connections to the Internet; broadband and Ethernet services
  • Standard fees
    Telappliant Ltd publishes its prices in electronic form available from our sales and customer service team and also on the Products page.
  • Minimum contractual term
    All Services paid for either annually or monthly will be subject to initial contract periods of twelve (12) months or ninety (90) days respectively.
  • Emergency calls
    • We shall provide access to 999/112 public emergency call services and shall take all reasonable steps to provide uninterrupted access to such services. However it is possible that the Services may become unavailable as a result of things over which We have no control, for example, power outage or failures of Your internet service provider (ISP) or internet connection. In such circumstances all services (including 999/112 public emergency call services) will be unavailable.
    • Our Services may not provide Your phone number and location details to the operator of 999/112 public emergency call services if You make a public emergency services call. You may have to provide Your location information and phone number verbally to the operator.
  • Nuisance calls & CLI presentation
    • Many businesses have problems with nuisance calls and no solution will guarantee to stop all unwanted calls. However there are steps you can take to reduce the number you receive.
      • Register for the Telephone Preference Service (TPS)
        • The Telephone Preference Service (TPS) is the official opt out register. It holds the preferences of companies with regards to whether they wish to receive unsolicited sales or marketing calls. It’s a legal requirement that all organisations (including charities, voluntary organisations and political parties) do not make sales or marketing calls to the numbers registered on the TPS unless they have the specific consent to do so.
        • It’s a free service. Register for the TPS here 
        • Registering for the TPS helps reduce the number of nuisance calls that originate from the UK. However it is not effective against callers outside of the UK or those that wish to ignore the law.
      • Telappliant’s call blocking service
        • Our call blocking service consists of a number of call screens which remove anonymous callers, international calls and 08xx calls. You also have the ability to blacklist individual numbers when necessary.
        • Contact our support team to set up your own call blocking service.
      • Telappliant’s nuisance calls policy
        • Companies making harassing and nuisance calls are breaking the law. Therefore any of our customer found to be making calls of this kind are in breach of our terms and conditions and will have their accounts suspended while the calls in question are investigated.
        • If after investigating we have evidence that harassing or nuisance calls have been made on our network the offenders accounts will be closed and the activity in question may be sent to Ofcom and/or the police.
    • We only allow calls to pass CLI that are registered in our database. Customers that need to pass additional numbers must prove ownership of those numbers.
  • Security best practices
    • Password policy
      The Telappliant Password Policy should be adhered to at all times. We require that all user generated passwords comply with the documented recommendations.
    • Ability to restrict calls per user
      With our phone systems, you can restrict the destinations your users are able to call. We recommend restricting your users to only be able call to those destinations common to your organisation. Our support team will be able to assist in adding or removing certain destinations.
    • Limiting remote access
      To limit exposure to fraud, all remote access methods to your phone system will be locked down by default. If you require the ability to remotely access and place calls through your phone system (through the IVR/Voicemail function) you will have to contact our support team to have this enabled.
    • Ability to limit spend per user
      All System Administrators are advised that it is best practice to enforce calling limits (spend) for your users. VoIPOffice supports Service Plans, allowing Administrators to limit the total minutes/spend of calls per user. If you require assistance setting this up, our support team is able to help.
    • Alerts for call spend
      Our services monitor call usage and are able to provide alerts when any potential fraud is detected. In the event that this alert is triggered, our support team will initially block the account to minimise your exposure to fraud. Your technical representatives  will be contacted immediately should this happen.
    • Phone auto-provisioning
      To maintain security of the end users handsets, all handsets (where supported) will be dispatched with secure and complex passwords. These passwords are available on request. Please adhere to our Password Policy document.
    • Auto-blacklisted destinations
      We have recently implemented a new security measure that by default blacklists risky/potentially fraudulent destinations. System Administrators will need to enable specific destinations for calling by logging in to their VoIPtalk control panel.
    • Limiting number of channels per user
      We supports the ability to restrict the number of concurrent calls each user can make. It is recommended that System Administrators assess the call usage patterns of their users and set this value to a reasonable limit. For example, setting this limit to 2 channels will allow the user to make a 3 way call (2 outbound, and their own call). If the user regularly has multiple lines on hold, this value may need to be adjusted higher.
    • Limiting access to known IP addresses
      System Administrators have the option of limiting system access to “Known IP Addresses”. To prevent unauthorised access to your system, System Administrators are advised to provide a list of “Known IP Addresses” to our support team. These will be used to create a whitelist, restricting access to all unknown parties.
    • Limiting call restrictions based on time of day
      Please refer to section Auto-blacklisted destinations.
    • Limiting destinations based on number type
      Please refer to section Auto-blacklisted destinations.
    • Sip trunks/peer connections can be locked to specific IP addresses
      Please refer to section Limiting access to known IP addresses.
    • Outbound calls validation
      All outbound calls on the VoIPtalk and VoIPOffice service require authentication before they can be placed. System Administrators are advised to bear this in mind when configuring their handsets. You will not be able to make or receive any calls on our service without using the appropriate authorisation methods.
    • Channel limits adjustments
      System Administrators are advised to purchase the appropriate number of channels for their peak call usage. Our dedicated account management team will be able to assist you in determining the correct number of channels to meet your business needs.
  • Network resiliency
    • Telappliant’s Network Infrastructure peers with multiple Internet Exchanges, tier 1 transit providers and communication providers. This connects Telappliant’s network resiliently to the internet.
    • Our data centres are resiliently connected via redundant links.
    • Our data centres have redundancy on all paths to end nodes in the DC using best of breed networking components.
  • Number portability and further features
    • We provide number portability and access to a directory-enquiry facility, access to operator-assisted services, calling-line identification facilities, and itemisation of calls free of charge.
    • Primary companies with whom we are able to port numbers both to and from are following: BSkyB, BT, C&W Vodafone (Energis), C&W Vodafone UK, COLT Technology Services, Easynet, Eurobell (Holdings) Limited, Excell Group, Gamma Telecom Holdings Ltd, iHub, Inclarity plc, Invoco, KCom (Affiniti), KCOM Group PLC, KCom HULL, Level 3 Communications, Level 3 Communications Ltd, Magrathea Telecommunications L, Mintaka, Simwood eSMS, Spitfire Network Services Ltd, TalkTalk Communications Limite, Telecom2 Ltd, Telephony Services, Telserve, Thus Plc, Verizon UK Ltd, Virgin Media Business Limited, Virgin Media Wholesale Limited, Vodafone, Vodafone (Energis), Voxbone SA, X-On (Storacall), Your Communications
    • Please note that not all area codes are available from all operators yet, to check availability please submit the port request and we will verify it for you.
  • Special measures for end-users with disabilities
    • Any of our literature, including this code, are available in large print or audio format. Please contact Customer Services with Your full name, address and telephone number so that we can send it to You or contact You in the unlikely event of a problem.
    • Priority fault repair: in order to take advantage of our priority fault repair service, customers with special needs must pre-register their requirements with us. Please note that priority fault repair is only available for some products and services and may also incur a separate charge. Please contact customer services for more information
  • How to contact us to resolve complaints
    • We shall respond to You within 5 working days and You can contact Us:
      • By post to Telappliant Ltd, 3 Harbour Exchange Square, London, E14 9GE, United Kingdom
      • By email to
      • By telephone 0345 004 4040 or fax 0345 004 4041
    • Our Managing Director accepts full responsibility for effective complaints handling. In all cases we will treat your correspondence in strict confidence, with fairness and objectivity.
    • Abuse: If you would like to report abuse please email us at
    • If you are still unhappy:
      • We are registered with the Ombudsman Service. Ombudsman Services was founded in 2002 to provide independent dispute resolution. It provides an independent, impartial and cost effective means of resolving disputes outside the courts for communications providers and their customers. This is the last point of contact if customers are not satisfied with the service or with the complaints procedure.
        • Contact: Ombudsman Services: Communications, PO Box 730, Warrington, WA4 6WU, United Kingdom
        • Telephone: 0330 440 1614
        • Fax: 0330 440 1615
        • Website: Ombudsman Services Contact Form (“ADR Scheme“)
        • We will abide by any decision made under the ADR Scheme. You are not bound by any decision made under the ADR Scheme and participation in the ADR Scheme by You will not prevent You commencing court proceedings
      • We are regulated by the Office of Communications (“Ofcom“), the independent regulator and competition authority for the communication industries in the United Kingdom. Ofcom can be contacted by post to Ofcom, Riverside House, 2a Southwark Bridge Road, London SE1 9HA, or by calling 0300 123 3333 or 020 7981 3040
      • We are a member of the Internet Services Provider Association (“ITSPA“) and subscribe to the ITSPA Code of Conduct. ITSPA can be contacted by post to ITSPA Secretariat, 69 Wilson Street, London EC2A 2BB, by email to or by calling +44 (0) 203 397 3312

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